Digital communication manager
The main mission of a digital communication manager is to promote a positive image of the company for which he/she is working. He/she guarantees the digital image and reputation of the company. He/she facilitates the company’s websites and social media platforms in the context of the overall communication strategy.
What does a Digital communication manager do?
- Define a Digital communication strategy to present the company in the various media where it is present
- Manage the websites representing a brand/company/organization (multilingual content, graphics, functionalities), in collaboration with a service agency.
- Provide Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Manage social media networks by posting multilingual content, visuals, infographics and visuals and organizing competitions etc.
- Manage digital advertising campaigns: e-mailings, banners, displays.
- Measure performance of the website and social media using KPIs and comparing results with competitors
- Technology and competition watch to adjust the communication strategy
What is his/her main know-how?
- Excellent web writing abilities in both French and English
- General interest in the web, social media and new technologies
- Mastery of internet referencing techniques
- Mastery of the software used to create and publish online content
- Mastery of the codes of social media
- Mastery of monitoring tools for technology and competition watch
What are his/her main soft skills?
- Organization
A digital communication manager needs to establish an editorial schedule so that the organization expresses itself at the right time, whether on social media or on the company website. For digital advertising campaigns, he/she needs to establish a precise schedule in order to drive the campaign with precision. - Reactivity
When a campaign is not delivering as expected, he/she need to take suitable measures immediately in order to correct the results by modifying the media plan - Curiosity
New technologies are changing all the time, so he/she need to be well informed of the latest trends and changes in the sector - Versatility
From the company website to purchasing online advertising and managing social media, a digital communication manager is a jack of all trades! He/she needs to show versatility and resourcefulness to complete his/her missions. - Good relationships
first and foremost the digital communication manager is a communicator, at ease in foreign languages and with a strong sense of contact, listening abilities and teamwork.
Working environment
Digital communication managers are found in the communications departments of companies, start-ups and associations or communication agencies which may or may not be specialized in digital. He/she can working independently and/or with the web marketer and webmaster.
Career prospects
- This burgeoning function is constantly changing, suiting young graduates who combine language expertise with an appetite for new technologies.
- Gross annual salary between 28 and 35 K€ for a first experience, according to business sector and type of company.
- Examples of career moves: digital project manager, digital communication manager in a company, new media customer manager in an agency.
What training course to become a digital communication manager?
In partnership with ISIT, EFREI offers a master in international communication & technology. This course is suitable for all future students who are interested in communication and technology. This dual qualification prepares you for this profession.
We also offer students our master in intercultural communication and translation.