Recruit an ISIT graduate

Looking for someone with a multilingual profile trained for the requirements of the global labor market, able to work in complex multicultural environments? Internships, apprenticeships, consultancy assignments: our Grande Ecole provides several complementary schemes to help you recruit future talent.

2 étudiantes sont sur leur PC afin d'assister au Wébinaire

Recruit an ISIT graduate as a strategic choice

What is ISIT’s forte? It is converting its students’ appetite for language and their genuine interest in others into a blend of skills that can be placed at the service of organizations and businesses to enhance their global competitiveness.  ISIT’s teaching methods are in tune with the needs of recruiters, helping to build durable skills in a wide range of professions.

Our Grande Ecole can provide companies with graduates with a broad, multidisciplinary grasp of global cultures, a high level of technical expertise and the ability to be effective where differing professional cultures meet.

  • The extreme rigor of translators
  • The speed and concentration of interpreters
  • The flexibility and ability to build connections of communicators
  • The organizational skills and ability to handle complex issues of managers
  • The precision of legal experts

All ISIT graduates have personal skills among the most sought after by recruiters, that can be applied in a wide range of professions:

  • Communication and marketing
  • HR
  • Consulting
  • Digital professions
  • Translation
  • Project management
  • International relations
  • Conference interpreting
  • International legal professions.

Detailed information here concerns students on our Master’s 2 Grande Ecole program.

To recruit a student from the Bachelor of International Digital Communication course, please contact our partner EFREI (Engineering School of Digital Technologies) Paris.

Recruit an ISIT intern

Comme cette étudiante devenez un ou une Isitiste afin d'apporter des compétences uniques sur le marché du travail.

All students spend at least 13 months on internships during their 5-year course. These internships mainly take place abroad or in a multilingual and intercultural environment.

Internship dates

Recruit an ISIT apprentice

Second-year Master’s students have the option of pursuing their training in the form of an apprenticeship at the ISIT apprentice training center (CFA) or at CERFAL, the multi-professional training center in partnership with ISIT.

  • Duration: minimum 12 months, maximum 15 months starting between the beginning of July and the beginning of November
  • Schedule: alternate weeks in the workplace until June, then full time in the workplace.
  • Tuition fees to be covered by the host organization via its OPCO (accredited skills operator): € 9 377 in the private sector, € 9 532 in the public sector.
  • Statutory monthly remuneration: 61% of the SMIC (French minimum wage) minimum.
  • Master’s specializations open to the apprenticeship option: Intercultural Communication and Translation, Intercultural Management, International Strategy and Diplomacy, International Communication and Technology

Take advantage of our intercultural expertise

Every year our Master’s students act as consultants, giving advice on real-life issues submitted by companies and organizations. The student consultant teams are supervised by an in-house tutor. Students submit and defend dissertations on these projects and these are then graded. In return,  sponsor companies choose to provide either skill-based sponsorship or financial support, and communication and visibility.

Advantages for companies

  • Benefit from a new or complementary perspective on a specific issue.
  • Do the groundwork on an important project for the company that has not been developed due to lack of time and human resources.
  • Make use of recommendations applicable in the short term.

Examples of assignments carried out by students

  • Business plan to introduce a French company’s products onto the Spanish market
  • Communication strategy for a start-up seeking to expand internationally
  • Common training modules for managers of multicultural teams in a large group
  • Terminology and documentary database for a global company
  • Newsletter to link up different departments worldwide within an international group
  • Translation and technical writing tools for a translation agency
  • Market research and followed by strategic recommendations to a company seeking to expand internationally
  • Survey on the gender equality policy of a global group