For the third workshop of the third season of Translation Wednesdays organized by ISIT, the theme is Translating Humor.
With Julie Loison-Charles, , associate professor of English and lecturer in translation at the University of Lille (CECILLE Laboratory). Her monograph, « Vladimir Nabokov ou l’écriture du multilinguisme : mots étrangers et jeux de mots », was published in 2016 by the Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest
The translation of puns revisits translation as a whole, since it signals the existence of wordplay.
Several questions are raised
- Are multiple meanings definitively untranslatable into a thrid language ?
- Do homonyms always prevent carbon copy translation ?
- Are the “visibility” of the wordplay or the multimodality of the original text obstacles or, on the contrary, aids to translation ?
These are just a few examples, and opinions differ, but they all agree on one major point : the quality of the translation. Wordplay deserves to be considered, forgetting strategies of omission, when considering its aesthetic, poetic and pragmatic functions on the scale of the complete text.
Together we will try to translate puns from various sources: literature, press, audiovisual. We will need to be creative !
ISIT Translation Wednesday: Translating humor :
Interactive workshop open to all, with registration via the form below. The TEAMS connection link will be sent to you the day before the event.
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