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(1) In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force on 23/05/2018, we would like to remind you of the uses made of data by ISIT and your rights regarding these uses. Concerning information of a personal nature (family name/first name/telephone and e-mail address) that you have communicated to us, you benefit from a right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition in accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You can exercise this right by contacting ISIT, 39 bis rue d’Assas, 75006 PARIS or by emailing communication@isit-paris.fr. The storage of your personal information will be stored for no longer than two years and such storage will be in the European Union.
(2) ISIT is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the information you provide: in particular, the personal data collected on the www.isit-paris.fr website, which is intended for use by ISIT. Your data are confidential and are treated as such. Under no circumstances will this information be passed on to third parties. Only ISIT staff or the staff of agencies assisting us in managing communication messages have access to the data. These agencies are required to respect the confidentiality of the information and to use it only for the very specific communication operation for which they are asked to intervene.
The information you provide, in particular your level of education and your current school, may be used for statistical purposes concerning the origin of people interested in our courses.
(3) The collection of your information, which will be kept for a maximum of two years, is necessary to respond to your requests and to notify you of events and/or promotions that are taking place or will take place at ISIT. These notifications will take the form of electronic messages (emails or SMS) if the “yes” box was ticked when you filled in the form to the question: “I agree to receive communication campaigns by SMS or e-mailing (including the monthly newsletter)”. However, you may at any time object to receiving these messages by sending an e-mail to the same address communication@isit-paris.fr or by unsubscribing from our various campaigns.
(4) Subscription to the newsletter will enable you to receive monthly information about events such as those that have taken place or will take place for ISIT, to discover student testimonials or to see careers accessible after ISIT. Once you have subscribed to this communication campaign, you can also opt out by sending an email to the same address communication@isit-paris.fr or by unsubscribing from this campaign.