In short Bachelor's degree
Academic field (or area) Communication digitale et nouvelles technologies
Type of degree Bachelor
Study level BAC+3
Working languages français et anglais obligatoires, 3e langue possible
Accessibility Formation accessible
Applying for Year 1 of the Grande Ecole Program
- Via Parcoursup only
(see Parcoursup calendar)
The Efrei-ISIT Bachelor’s degree in Digital and International Communication combines technical know-how, linguistic expertise and intercultural skills. It produces managers capable of contributing to the digital transformation of companies in France and across the globe.
Graduates of this Bachelor’s program are able to work in an international and multicultural environment. Their management abilities and soft skills are highly sought after on today’s labor market.
- Academics and researchers
- Businesspeople and consultants
Learning objectives
- Design an international digital strategy
- Understand how to attract customers/visitors and keep them loyal
- Lead the digital transformation of an organization
Practical skills acquired
- Designing a digital strategy
- Configuring a WordPress website
- Mananging SEO
- Running SEA campaigns
- Managing and uniting a social media community
- Producing effective multimedia content
- Adapting deliverables to different cultures
- Leading a project based on a set of specifications
- Identifying, selecting and managing service providers
Year 1
Soft skills
- Multilingual speaking and writing skills
- Career development
- Digital communication and marketing strategy
- Understanding the web environment
- Project
- Management and entrepreneurship
- National and intercultural challenges
- Programming
- Graphic universe and digital environment
- Specifications
- Specifying needs and running a digital project
Year 2
Soft skills
- Multilingual speaking and writing skills
- Digital communication and marketing strategy
- Understanding the web environment
- Programming
- Graphic universe and digital environment
- Specifying needs and running a digital project
Year 3
Soft skills
- Multilingual speaking and writing skills
- Digital communication and marketing strategy
- Understanding the web environment
- Project
- Management (in English)
- Programming
- Graphic universe and digital environment
- Specifications
- Specifying needs and running a digital project
Job opportunities
This Bachelor’s program meets a growing need for multidisciplinary experts to fill a variety of positions in the business world :
- Webmarketing, communication or SEO/SEA manager
- Digital transformation consultant
- Digital product owner or advertising manager
- Social media manager
- Digital communications officer
- International content manager
Next steps
- Master’s in International Communication and Technology