A lawyer’s mission is to represent the interests of his or her clients (companies, individuals…) and defend them in court, ensuring that their rights are guaranteed and that appropriate legal protection is provided. This involves carefully examining the circumstances and needs of each client, analyzing the relevant legal aspects, providing sound legal advice and taking appropriate measures to protect their interests.
What is his/her main know-how?
Lawyers become experts in the branches of law in which they work, and must update their knowledge throughout their career. International lawyers advise their clients on issues of international law, whether public or private, negotiate international contracts or assist their clients in international disputes before international courts or in arbitration.
What are his/her main soft skills?
- Good memory
Lawyers need to be able to find the relevant legal text quicky. - Negotiator and public speaker
In the course of their work, lawyers interact with a wide range of stakeholders, from clients and associates to companies and organizations. He/she must therefore be persuasive. - Discipline
Being a lawyer is a precision profession, where discipline is an essential quality. Good organization is also very useful.
Working environment
International lawyers advise their clients on matters of international public or private law, negotiate international contracts or assist their clients in international disputes before international courts or in arbitration. They often work for large international law firms.
Lawyers can set up their own practice, or work as associates or partners in a firm with other lawyers. Lawyers earn around 2,000 euros a month for a beginner, rising to 9,000 euros at the end of their career (30,000 euros for certain “well-know barristers”). Remuneration varies according to reputation, fees and region.
What training to become a lawyer?
To become a lawyer in France, you need at least a Master 1 in law at university, followed by the CAPA (certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat), issued by a CRFPA (center régional de formation professionnelle d’avocats).
Lawyers with a Lawyer-Linguist Master’s degree in Law and Intercultural Studies from ISIT can practice their profession in an international context, as they possess both legal and linguistic skills. They have a good command of international and comparative law, and are able to work in different languages and with people from different cultures.