Stéphanie Fresson
What did you study prior to starting ISIT?
I started at ISIT just after finishing a European Baccalaureate specializing in German.
I wanted to start studying translation and interpreting immediateky, and I wanted to study at a renowned university.
What are the advantages of an ISIT education?
I really appreciated the fact that the professors and other course lecturers and contributors are working professionals, as well as the international scope of the curriculum. ISIT taught me to be demanding, and helped me acquire broad general knowledge that is important in the working world. On a personal level, I made a lot of very good friends!
Where has your career taken you since graduating from ISIT?
I worked for 3 years in a dubbing studio, where I organized adaptation and subtitling for programs aired on channels including the Discovery Channel and Voyages.
Then I joined CrossKnowledge, the European leader in e-learning, as a manager in the localization department. In the five years I was there, the catalog went from 6 to 16 languages. After taking six months to travel, I joined the International Strategic Alliances business unit where I have spent the last year rolling out e-learning projects in Northern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
What is your advice to candidates and future ISIT students?
Staying positive and open will help you achieve your goals.